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New Year, New Design

Sara Nordling

In the last weeks of the new year I designed and wove a series of scarves.

Satin weave scarf, green and white.

satin weave scarf brown and white

satin weave scarf brown and white second treadling

satin weave scarf blue and white

I am presenting them to you all as a design challenge. It is a way to refresh yourself on the elements and principles of design I recently presented.

close up of green and white scarf

close up of blue and white scarf

There are three different colors and two different treadlings. It isn't important that you know how I did them. What I would like for you to do, in the comments section below, is to comment on which elements and principles of design you see me using. There are several being used and the second treadling may have different elements/principles used than the other scarves. You can try to list all the elements and principles used or just comment on the ones you see as most prevalent.

brown and white scarf treadling 1

This is the first treadling in brown and white.

It is the same as the green and blue versions.

brown and white scarf treadling 2

This is the second treadling in brown and white.

Are there different principles at play here?

The old blog posts are still up for you to visit if you need to refresh yourself on them.

Enjoy!. I look forward to reading your comments.

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