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Sara Nordling

Loom with double weave pick up

The last in a series of double weave pick-up images, in progress.

I remember as a child, summer lasted forever, or at least it seemed to. I also remember being bored. I think, wistfully of those days now as I don’t remember the last time I was bored.

My time now is more than filled up. My “to do” and “want to do” lists are long. Days fly by. The clock keeps ticking.

Most of the time I am glad my days are full. Most of the time I enjoy what it is I’m doing. Most of the time I can live in the moment and do the task at hand without hearing the clamor of all the other things in my life, of my lists, demanding attention.

table loom warped and ready

Preparing for a guild talk/workshop in June.

While making and being productive is important; as an artist I also need the quiet moments. I need the time to process things: to think, to learn, to dream, and to invent. I don’t often give myself the time to do that. Two things get in my way, all the things that need to be done and the need to feel I have made good, productive, active, use of my time.

Loom warped and ready

A new project warped and ready for weaving.

It is difficult for me to learn that quiet time can be as productive as threading a loom, dyeing thread, weaving, and all the other stuff of life. Various times in my life I have made resolutions (on the new year and otherwise) to set aside time each day, or each week as quiet time. I don’t do well keeping that resolution. Am I just not that type of artist? I feel I would be better at what I’m doing if I did take more time for thought, inventiveness, and play. Yet, I can’t seem to find the time, or make the time, to do it. There are times I crave the boredom of childhood, as I would use that time differently now.

Rya knots on tapestry loom.

This project has been on this loom for years, not getting anywhere fast.

I have a dream to rent a cabin some place for a week with some fellow artists. We would have no television, limited phone use, and no actual tools for making things. For me that would mean I could not bring a loom. Each day might begin with a small gathering and thoughts for the day. Meals would be simple. The bulk of the day would be spent mostly individually, thinking, doodling, dreaming, etc. At the end of the day we would gather and share ideas; help each other sort through, develop, critique what we are developing. One of these summers I will actually do this. It is too late for this year, but maybe next summer…

Empty loom

Empty loom, a sign of hope or a constant reminder to do more.

Meanwhile, I am here, in the trenches of my life. Still resolving to find a few minutes each day of quiet to think and dream.

(The images seen here are the state of my looms on the day of this writing.)


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